
Pedigree of the Month
August 2003

Area of special interest: Germany


This month's pedigree is for:

Antje v. Waldowsee

TStB 528370L, BhFK, Red
Breeder and owner: Eduard Moeller, Wittingen, Germany
Through her descendants in kennels Waldowsee, Speyerbach, Steffelstamm and Skovkildegård Antje is several times ancestress of Milloup
2. GS52 Sepp v. Bookholzberg
TStB 496117L, GTSt 24/51, b. 23.03.49, BhFN, Vp, Sp, Red
4. Murx v. Bookholzberg
TStB 477434L, b. 21.02.47, Vp, SchwhK, Sp, Red
8. Tasso v. Schwarzbrunnen
TStB 369265L, b. 10.08.36, BhFK, Vp, Red (16+15)
9. Dolly v. Bookholzberg
TStB 437857L, Vp, BhFK, Red (18+19)
5. Fabel v. Waldin
TStB 480494L, b. 29.11.47, Red
10. Junker v. Muchtsborn
TStB 458667L, b. 11.07.46, Sp, BhFK, Red (20+21)
11. Alraune v. Dreiländerblick
TStB 4216/45L, b. 15.01.46, Red (22+23)
3. Asta (Petersen)
TStB 509552L, b. 22.09.50, SchwhK, Red
6. Dolfo v. Teufelsstern
TStB 439451L, Red
12. Bubi v. Teufelsstern
TStB 348915L, b. 14.10.34, Red (24+25)
13. Derri v. Rauhen Bergen
TStB 427702L, Red (26+27)
7. Elfe (Brosig)
TStB 496036L, Red
14. Dolfo v. Teufelsstern
TStB 439451L, b. 16.09.43, Red (28+29)
15. Ralle (Scholz)
TStB 496032L, b. 05.04.44, Red (30+31)
16. Ferdi v. Baudenhard
TStB 358744L, Red
32. Stropp v. d. Goldenen Perle
TStB 298698L, b. 02.06.29, Red
33. Afra v. Baudenhard
TStB 328400L, b. 07.05.32, Red
17. Senta v. Schwarzbrunnen
TStB 358974L, Red
34. Stropp v. d. Goldenen Perle
TStB 298698L, b. 02.06.29, Red
35. Silva v. Goldberg
TStB 328205L, b. 07.02.32, Red
18. Zonensieger Butz v. d. Goldenen Perle
TStB 398346L, BhFK, Red
36. Hiasl v. Baudenhard
TStB 378468L, Red
37. Klitze v. d. Goldenen Perle
TStB 369482L, b. 12.08.36, Vp, Tv, Red
19. Laja v. d. Trotzenburg
TStB 388661L, b. 29.03.38, Red
38. Tasso v. Schwarzbrunnen
TStB 369265L, b. 10.08.36, BhFK, Vp, Red
39. Liesel v. d. Goldenen Perle
TStB 359260L, Red
20. Jockel v. Fuchsenstein
TstB 430318L, Red
40. Arko v. grünen Herz
TStB 369059L, b. 28.03.36, Red
41. Kati v. Fuchsenstein
TStB 408020L, b. 20.07.40, Red
21. Dorle v. Muchtsborn
TStB 408259L, b. 01.09.40, Red
42. Alex v. Moosspring
TStB 389083L, b. 16.02.37, Red
43. Bärbel v. Muchtsborn
TStB 348882L, b. 30.09.34, Red
22. Flink v. Stieg
TStB 389472L, b. 14.06.38, Red
44. Arko v. grünen Herz
TStB 369059L, b. 28.03.36, Red
45. Elfe v. Stieg
TStB 368655L, b. 22.03.36, Red
23. Phyllis v. d. Blutwiese
TStB 417923L, b. 11.07.41, Red
46. Timur v. Frauenreis
TStB 388954L, b. 05.06.38, Red
47. Dina aus Muspellsheim
TStB 388019L, b. 30.09.37, Red
24. Dolfo v. Sonnenhof
TStB 328625L, b. 11.05.32, Red
48. Stropp v. d. Goldenen Perle
TStB 298698L, b. 02.06.29, Red
49. Vilja v. Sonnenhof
TStB 298064L, b. 07.09.28, Red
25. Sieger Vesta v. Teufelsstern
TStB 328422L, b. 04.03.32, Red
50. Stropp v. d. Goldenen Perle
TStB 298698L, b. 02.06.29, Red
51. Sieger Censi
TStB 288159L, b. 10.10.27, Red
26. Bubi v. Teufelsstern
TStB 348915L,
52. Dolfo v. Sonnenhof
TStB 328625L
53. Sieger Vesta v. Teufelsstern
TStB 328457L
27. Derri v. d. rauhen Bergen
TStB 427702L,
54. Olm v. d. Löwenburg
TStB 379516L
55. Dorle v. Teufelsstern
TStB 408442L
28. Bubi v. Teufelsstern
TStB 348915L, b. 14.10.34, Red
56. Dolfo v. Sonnenhof
TStB 328625L, b. 11.05.32, Red
57. Sieger Vesta v. Teufelsstern
TStB 328422L, b. 04.03.32, Red
29. Derri v. d. rauhen Bergen
TStB 427702L, Red
58. Olm v. d. Löwenburg
TStB 379516L
59. Dorle v. Teufelsstern
TStB 408442L
30. Enz v. Wehrfelde
TStB 408529L, b. 02.06.40, Red
60. Brummer a. d. Wolfswinkel
TStB 369438L, b. 05.07.36, Black and tan
61. Hele (Klopfa)
TStB 389219L, b. 15.05.34, Red
31. Alka a. d. Crönchenwinkel
TStB 427273L, Red
62. Olm v. d. Löwenburg
TStB 379516L
63. Anka v. d. Löwenburg
TStB 399012L
s As you will notice, the above information is not complete. If anybody can help me with information that can fill in the blanks in the pedigree, I should be very pleased to hear from that person.

I'm looking for information that is as detailed as possible. That is, information about: Name, TStB / GTSt. numbers, date (or year) of birth, colour, titles, working tests, name of breeder, name of owner (or owners, if the dog had more than one owner during its lifetime). Pictures of the various dogs are also of great interest to me, especially if you have the possibility of scanning them and mailing them to me.

button Click here, if you have information that might help me.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Information in this colour received courtesy of Iris Koehler, Bispingdorpe kennels, Burgwedel, Germany

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Updated on 16-8-03
